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Version: On-Premise 2.1

Attachment List

Activity Description

Lists the files attached to the email that triggered the workflow (saved to C:\Program Files\Resolve\Actions Express Server\Files). Wildcards are supported (e.g., file type).


  • Name Pattern – The attachment file criteria. This field can be left empty.

For example, to retrieve all XML files attached to the triggering email, enter *.xml).


To control the download attachment parameters you can:

  • Access Actions Express C:\Program Files\Resolve\Actions Express Email Server\Email Server.exe.config and edit the file using a text editor.
  • Change the following key parameters:
    • DownloadAttachments – Used to determine whether to download the files attached to emails arriving at Actions Express (can be set to either True or False).
    • IgnoreAttachmentsFiles – Used to ignore specific file types (any type of file extension can be set, e.g., <addkey="IgnoreAttachmentsFiles" value="*.gif;*.jpeg"/>. The parameter should be copied and edited per ignored file type).